1. | Cover
Page I (529 accesses)
2. | Contents
Pages II - V (682 accesses)
3. | Publication Policies and Writing Guide
Pages VI - XI (505 accesses)
4. | Comparison of RIFLE, AKIN and KDIGO Classifications in Patients with Cardiac Surgery Yasin Levent Uğur, Arzu Açıkel, Tülün Öztürk, Funda Yildirim, Dilşad Amanvermez Şenarslan, Beyhan Cengiz Özyurt, Melek Çivi doi: 10.5222/GKDAD.2020.86547 Pages 1 - 9 (1186 accesses)
5. | Comparison of Fiberoptic Bronchoscope and Disposcope Endoscope in Cohen Endobronchial Blocker Placement Umut Kara, Emin İnce, Gökhan Özkan, Serkan Senkal doi: 10.5222/GKDAD.2020.65983 Pages 10 - 16 (844 accesses)
6. | Measurement of Vocal Cord-Carina Distance with Disposcope Endoscope and Determination of Correlation with Anatomical Measurements of Body Surface Ünal Karataş, Umut Kara, Gökhan Özkan, Emin İnce, Serkan Senkal, Vedat Yildirim doi: 10.5222/GKDAD.2020.36449 Pages 17 - 25 (1402 accesses)
7. | The Effect Of Preoperative Albumin Level on Renal Function In Diabetic Patients in Cardiac Surgery Nurşen Tanrıkulu, Babürhan Özbek doi: 10.5222/GKDAD.2020.64326 Pages 26 - 31 (1069 accesses)
8. | The Effects of Serum Phosphate on 28-day Mortality in Patients Hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit, Treated with Mechanical Ventilator Therapy and Treated with CRRT for Septic Shock-Induced Acute Kidney Injury Cem Kıvılcım Kaçar, Osman Uzundere, Deniz Kandemir, Ümit Akol, Abdulkadir Yektaş doi: 10.5222/GKDAD.2020.76993 Pages 32 - 38 (1004 accesses)
9. | Anesthesia for Tracheal Stenosis in a Heart Transplant Patient: A Case Report Yücel Özgür doi: 10.5222/GKDAD.2020.50251 Pages 39 - 44 (821 accesses)
10. | Acute Atrial Fibrilation After Inhalation of Chlorine Gas Ferdi Gülaşti, Sevil Gülaşti doi: 10.5222/GKDAD.2020.08941 Pages 45 - 49 (1624 accesses)
11. | A Case of Carbonmonoxide İntoxication Revealing the Underlying Coronary Artery Disease Senem Girgin, Murat Aksun, Mehmet Ali Coşar, Güler Boşça, Seval Kılbasanlı, Elif Neziroğlu, Sinem Karagöz, Yüksel Beşir, Nagihan Karahan doi: 10.5222/GKDAD.2020.14227 Pages 50 - 53 (820 accesses)